Screen a Presidential Film Portrait: Nov. 13

On Thursday, Nov. 13, 7:00-9:00 pm, all members of our community are invited to a screening of 41 on 41, a 90-minute film portrait of former President George H. W. Bush, and a discussion afterwards with the film’s executive producer, Mary Kate Cary.  The screening will take place in NCS's Lower School Assembly Room in Whitby Hall.

“41 on 41” is a portrait of our 41st president as seen through the eyes of 41 observers, a distinguished cast that includes John Major, James Baker III, Tom Brokaw, Bill Clinton, members of the Bush cabinet, and many others, including members of the Bush family. The film premiered on CNN Films in June 2014.

Executive Producer Mary Kate Cary is a former White House speechwriter for President George H. W. Bush, serving from 1988 to early 1992, and the author of over 100 domestic and international addresses by President Bush.

Currently, she is a contributing editor and columnist at U.S. News & World Report, writing a biweekly column on politics, and is a regular political commentator on National Public Radio. Her work has appeared often on She enjoys writing speeches for a variety of political and corporate clients. She has taught speechwriting classes at Georgetown University, American University, and Texas A&M University. Ms. Cary lives in Chevy Chase, MD; she and her husband Rob are the parents of Anne, NCS ‘13, and, Grace, NCS ’15.

This presentation of “41 on 41” is sponsored by NCS’s Center for Ethical Leadership and Service (CELS), as one of a series of speeches and discussions to be hosted by CELs this year.
    • Mary Kate Cary.